Sunday, June 24, 2018

They Were There - Little Bighorn, South Dakota in 1876

Custer's Battalion:
George A. Custer

Capt. Thomas Custer, Company C

First Lieut. Algernon Smith, Company E

Capt. Charles Yates, Company F

Capt. Myles Keough, Company I

First Lieut. James Calhoun, Company L

 Reno's Battalion:
Major Marcus Reno

First Lieut. Donald McIntosh, Company G

Benteen's Battalion

Capt. Frederick Benteen 

US 7th Cavalry Army Scouts
Bloody Knife

Isaiah Dorman

Little Brave

"Lonesome" Charley Reynolds

Mitch Bowyer

Strikes With Knife (left) and Bob-Tailed Bull

In camp and originally surprised by Major Reno were members 
of the Arapaho, Dakota Sioux, Lakota Sioux, and Northern Cheyenne
Sitting Bull, as a medicine chief

Chief Grall, as a war chief

Chief Hump, as a war chief

Inkpaduta, as a war chief

Two Moons, as a war chief

Waterman, as a war chief

** Crazy Horse, the Oglala Sioux, was there as
a war chief.  No photo of him exists. **

Wild Hog (left) and Lame White Man in 1873.
Lame White Man was one of the few Native Americans
who were killed in the battle...

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