Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Odd Skies This Morning

I left the house at 5:40 this morning, headed over to Rascal's so I could have the house trash and recycling at the curb by 6:30. When I first left the apartment, there were clouds like piled up cotton puffs hanging down from the east, covering everything in sight from north to south; then there was a space of bright blue sky, but, as one looked west, there were more clouds gathering behind the mountains.  By 6:00, the sky was entirely cloudy, with the tops of the Flatirons wreathed with grey.  The humidity was at 83%, and I expected it to rain.  Got to Rascal's, put out the recycling and trash, fed and played with him, cleaned his litter box, got the newspaper in.  I left there at 8:00, and while there were a few clouds in the sky off to the east, the sky is blue elsewhere - but very hazy. 
Lovey and Nedi slept with me all night - but I had to laugh at the way that Nedi laid down - he really didn't; it just felt as though he picked up all four feet and just fell over onto my shin.  They all got a special treat of venison and peas this morning - Mocha thought she was in heaven, to judge by the purrs and rumbles she was making as she delicately ate her way through a whole can.  Nedi thought it was OK, and Lovey enjoyed it very much. 
My only plans for today are to make a deposit at the bank, visit the library, and then make another visit to Rascal this evening.  Tomorrow I'll start staying at Alexy's with Cloudy and Shady. - Ciao!

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