Friday, April 6, 2012

Good Friday

Today it's glorious outside!  It's about 70 degrees now, and there is a nice breeze.  I'm still waiting to hear from Lynn as to whether I need to be at her house tonight or Sunday...  She said today at first, then said her boy-friend Paul would be there until Sunday, then said she wasn't sure.  I've sent her both an e-mail and voice mails to her home and cell phone.  If I don't hear from her by the time I go back to Ooch, I'll just stop by the house and take my chances of running into Paul (whom I've never yet met).   I took the red kids over to the Snow yard - Mona is starting to go out of season, but she's still prancing and romancing Remy.  Remy thinks he is the king of the world.  I throw Rosie's blue bone for her and Boo's ball, and Mona entertains Remy - so Remy gets out, and has a short walk, and then he can lay in the sun, or sit and throw his chest out for Mona. Rosie runs around like a maniac and gets running exercise that she wouldn't at home....  Ooch is his usual self.  He greets me at the door, and escorts me to his dish; then he serenades me while I fix his next meal.  While he's busy chowing down, I clean the litter box, and then open the blinds; today I also watered all the inside plants.  Then I sat down and gave him a lap to be loved in...
  My kits are enjoying my time with them, and the wonderful weather - I'm spending a lot of time on the patio, enjoying the fresh spring breeze.

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