Saturday, August 22, 2015


Due to all the wildfires on the West coast, we were told to expect hazy conditions in Boulder today.  That also means to expect poor air quality for breathing.  It was already hazy out when I arose this morning; by 6 p.m., I could barely see the mountains 30 blocks away from my balcony.  The air doesn't yet have a smell to it - but it definitely dries out your nose and throat.  Another reason to stay well hydrated here a mile above sea level.   I fed and medicated Lynn's cats and dog this morning, fed the carp, and then walked Tess.  Afterwards, I watered the plants in need of assistance - like the clematis beside the mailbox.   I grabbed a few grocery items on the way home, then spent the day cleaning and reading and sorting.
    And watching the fourth quarter of the Eagles game, to see Tim Tebow play.  I watched a bit of the Broncos game during the Eagles' halftime, and after TT's game was finished.  Isn't the quarterback supposed to be protected?  How did RG III  get a concussion and a shoulder stinger in a preseason game?
   And I'll have to call the apartment maintenance team - I called at 11 p.m. Friday night to let them know that the fat-looking insulated pipe/hose that dips down in the front of the utility closet was leaking.   It was a slow, small steady leak for about ten minutes - and fell into a collecting pan that encircles the water heater.  The guy was going to come over then and there, but Beatrice and I wanted to go to bed.  I had pretty much forgotten about the leak until 7:45 this evening, when it sounded like someone was beating hard plastic with a hammer somewhere in the hallway.  I opened the utility closet and watched a pretty heavy stream of drips fall into the collecting pan for about three minutes.  It was loud enough to send my cats into hiding.   Hopefully, there won't be much more drippage tonight or tomorrow, and I can get maintenance to come Monday afternoon, while I'm home.

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