Saturday, March 19, 2011

Failed Surgery & a Murder

It is now a fact that my surgical repairs on Tuesday did not work... so I get to visit Dr. Pohlman this Tuesday, to try and decide on the "next step." There are several more options available - so I'll just have to see what he suggests and is willing to do. Ugh. I hope this next time will work; I'm tired of taking time off and having to curtail my walks and eating a lot of soft foods only. - I walked to the bakery this morning in a T-shirt, jeans and sneakers; it was a little chilly, but not bad. What seemed so strange was to look up and see the entire Indian Peaks area covered in snow, and to see patches of snow above the Flatirons and on Flagstaff. I do realize that we had snow early yesterday morning, and that our temperatures have been in the 60s and 70s, but sometimes that bright snow against the blue sky just looks impossible!
The area west of Broadway (14 blocks west of my apartment) and opposite the CU campus is known as "Uni Hill." Uni Hill has all sorts of funky little shops and bodegas that cater to the CU students, and it also has a great number of apartments and shared housing. There was a huge party on Uni Hill for Saint Patrick's Day Wednesday night and it went over into the early hours of Thursday. According to our local newspaper, the party ended in a riot - students ganging up against the police who were trying to shut the party down between 1 and 3 a.m. - I really haven't read all the copy about the riot. This is also Spring Break week at CU, and kids have friends visiting from everywhere... A football player for the University of New Hampshire was visiting a friend here in Boulder. The UNH student was walking a new female friend home from the St. Patrick's Day party. The couple was stopped by a man wearing a black bandanna; he had a gun. He demanded their money and keys. The girl pulled the covering off the robber's face, and the robber shot the gun into the air. The robber then shot and killed the UNH football player. The search is still on for the killer - he was wearing an extremely popular snow board brand of a black hoodie. The police stopped 4 men wearing the same type of hoodie that morning, within 20 minutes of the shooting. It's very sad...
Lovey has been all over me this morning, while Nedi has been chasing the squirrels. And I have to admit to a bit of bad taste: After my surgery Tuesday, I slept fitfully during the night. I was awakened by the upstairs neighbors' bed banging against the wall at 1 a.m., and the accompanying sounds were very specific. It happened again at 6 a.m. - both times made it Wednesday - "Hump Day." I put a yellow Post-It note on their door that read: "Happy Hump Day (times two!) - Please move your bed away from the wall! - Thanks!" I heard the bed being moved around noon - and have not had to listen to the banging since..... Have a good weekend!

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