Friday, June 18, 2010

The Alamo - and Critters

Yesterday's predicted winds were not as powerful as expected, and I had a great walk with Rosie and Remy. We finished the walk at Kathy and Jim's so the Rs could run off-leash in the back yard with Suki and Boo for awhile; Remy chased squirrels and Rosie entertained herself by dropping her bone in the irrigation ditch, and then jumping in to catch it before it floated away on the current. I have been offered free tickets to see Joel perform in Ragtime the Musical in Denver, and to see Max in The Grand Hotel here in Boulder; I accepted both offers! Cloudy and Shady went out for a short while yesterday afternoon, while I made some brownies. They were both in better moods after going out, and had no problems coming back inside at dusk. - Lovey and Neddy acted as though it had been years since I had visited them yesterday (it was 18 hours) - we had a huge love fest with lots of purring and head-butting. Of course, this was done singly, but they both were very loving and adorable. I'm looking forward to being back home Saturday afternoon; I have eleven uninterrupted days at home before I move the kits to Kathy and Jim's for 5 days - it will be heaven!
I finally finished reading Exodus from the Alamo - a book that uses historical documents from Mexico, as well as immediate newspaper accounts, to reconstruct as best as possible what truly happened. It took a long time for me to finish, as the author was so intent upon presenting each documented citation that the narrative of events was difficult to follow. And I had/have a few bones to pick with him over some of his terms: he termed most men at the Alamo as "Anglo-Celt" in background, and seemed to despise the Scots-Irish. The Anglo-Celt is a weekly newspaper that has been published since 1841 in Ireland, and is not normally used to describe someones racial background. I must agree, after reading the book, and all the citations, that we Americans have been fed a line of bull about what truly occurred at the Alamo. It seems to have been a case of yellow journalism run amuck - and one that was never examined, as Americans needed heroes at that time. Having read the book, I can say that my feelings toward the men who wasted their lives at an indefensible livestock corral have been rearranged. Travis, an untried leader with a purchased Colonelcy, was a womanizer, out to get land. Bowie was an alcoholic who wanted to have a good time, but believed in a Republic of Texas. Crockett hoped to settle in Texas and possibly run for President of the Republic. Captain Dickinson was a true hero. They were foolish, some were greedy, and they were misguided in their beliefs in American superiority - but they are still heroes.

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