Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Tuesday, Tuesday

It's only 84 at them moment, with 6% humidity and a nice breeze (with gusts up to 40 mph). The Flatirons have been hazy all day due to the smoke from the Arizona and New Mexico fires - but I can still see snow on top of Niwot Ridge and on the Indian Peaks. The local weather folks say that those of us who live along Boulder Creek can expect "high water" within the next week. At least we are lucky and had all that rain in May, so things are green and growing; not dry and sere, as things are in Arizona and New Mexico. - I spoke with my friend Kathryn, in Gainesville, FL, last night, and found that over 20 wildfires are burning in St. John's County alone. Yowch! And I just saw that the high temperature in Minneapolis, MN today was 102 degrees. Can you say global warming and climate change?
Mocha has decided that she loves sprawling out on the love seat - the kits are all hissing at one another, but that's the extent of their conflicts. Lovey slept next to my head last night - I wonder if she was guarding me from a Mocha attack? Nedi has been a lot more demonstrative, and always wants a cuddle. They all get lots of love. I think I'm spending more time loving the kits than I spend doing anything else... but that's OK with me.
Two bats found flitting around in the early morning hours have tested positive for rabies, so we have that alert out now, too. - And Darcie, who lives in Githens Acres, saw the coyote trot by her front door at 6:15 this morning. She chased it, shaking pennies in a tin can. It ran.

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