Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Weather and Religion

The sky had a lot of clouds this morning at sunrise, but they have broken up and are moving southward at a swift pace in the upper winds.  It's bright and sunny outside, and the snow glare is already painful.There was about 3 inches of slush under the snow yesterday, along the roads and sidewalks.  That has turned into treacherous ice, with the snow on top.  Rosie's owners declined a walk for her today, so I'll be working on genealogy most of the day.  The weather guys say that we'll be in the 40s today, and the 50s through Friday, with more snow on both weekend days...
  And today is Fat Tuesday!  Lent begins tomorrow.  It's weird that I have no specific religion, but that I know most holidays for our many different religions.  I am still upset by the religious turmoil in our world.  I'm very happy with what I believe, but I see no reason to try to convince, or force, others to my beliefs.  I understand that in the tenets of multiple religions, a member is urged to go forth and spread "the word."  -  "The word" being whatever beliefs that religion holds dearest. - My parents exposed me to many different religions; from Catholicism, to Buddhism, to the Jewish synagogue, to almost all of the Protestant sects available where we lived.  I have to admit that I have not been inside a mosque, but I read the Koran in college.  My parents wanted me to be comfortable in my belief, and with my belief, in a higher power.  It took many years, but I found my niche, and I am at peace.  But I cannot see why I should try to convince others to believe as I do.
   Each person is an individual.  Each and every person tastes things differently, hears things differently, sees things differently, touches things differently, smells things differently, because each person is a single entity.  If one has a shared language, one can communicate how one experiences varied sensations; but those sensations will always be unique to that one individual, because he or she is an individual.  Every person's brain is unique and it interprets experienced sensations in it's own unique way.  We are taught, as children, the names of colors, animals, numbers, things, and music.  But every single one of us has had a unique vision, taste, hearing, smell, and emotional experience of all of the sensations we have experienced.  People have different numbers of taste buds, in different groupings, on their tongues.  A sweet taste to some people is overly sweet to another, and barely sweet to yet another person.  We experience things uniquely, as we can only experience life from within our own bodies.
   I guess all this rambling about uniqueness and individuality is meant to explain my feeling that we, human beings, need to take a "live and let live" stance regarding race, religion, and politics.  I think that every being should be allowed to follow their own feelings regarding religious practices, and that no one should try to impose a religious belief on others.  And I feel that attacking, and killing, people for having another religion is one of the most sorrowful things on this earth.

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