Sunday, August 7, 2011

Books and Critters

Felix Francis has out-done himself in his first book.  The title of the book is Dick Francis's Gamble, which I'm guessing the publisher wanted because of his father's name.  After the death of his mother, Felix collaborated with his father on several books.  He learned well at his father's side; as usual with any Dick Francis book, I didn't want to put the book down.  The main character is an ex-jump jockey who is now a personal financial advisor with a London-based company.  He and a coworker go to the Grand National Steeplechase together, and, as they arrive, his coworker is killed, execution style.  The question is why?  The characters are fully drawn and the book moves at a quick pace.  I believe that if his following books are as good as Gamble, Felix will be a fitting successor  for his father's writing chair. ....  And I've just begun Preston & Child's Cold Vengeance.  It starts off with a bang, hunting stags in Scotland...  I love all of these writers!

Rosie and Remy seem to enjoy their early morning walks - this morning I could see my own breath when we went out at 5, and I can tell you that my legs and arms were chilled.  Both red kids are stretched out on the tile in the den, and I'm blogging from the sofa, while a Gene Autry movie is playing on the TV.  The baby goats were a blast yesterday evening, and Alexy came over to enjoy their antics.  Besides Rafael, there is another white rooster in the group of pullets who has long silky feathers on his neck and wings; I've named him Shanghai.  Poor Victor.  He started barking again about 8:30 last night; I could hear him from the Silverman house, two blocks away, so at 9:30, I penned Victor and Xena up in their breezeway for the night.  My kits were very happy to see me this morning - Lovey was talking at the top of her voice as I opened the door, and both Mocha and Nedi joined in. They all got love and attention, and food and fresh water.  A book I had ordered from Chincoteague came in the mail on Saturday, so I got to take a good peek at it.  -   It's a limited edition print (I got number 369) of A Field Guide to the Chincoteague Ponies, and has photos of most of the mares and stallions on Assateague, as well as their registered names and the nicknames.  It's nice to find out what the newer crop of breeding ponies is named....  I hope you enjoy the rest of your weekend!

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