Friday, December 18, 2009

Critters and Snow

It's a little cool outside this morning - 23 degrees, but the humidity is only 20%, so it's not bad. There is heavy cloud cover to the east, but the sky is open and blue to the west; and Lovey and Banichi have been playing outside for the last 30 minutes. Banichi is currently engaged in his after play ablutions, while Lovey is perched in the cat tree, watching the squirrels on the patio. I took the red kids walking east and west again yesterday - the streets in Githens Acres are still 75% under thick ice, so the kids and I walked west on Upland, around Wonderland Lake, back by Lucky's, and then west down Redwood, with a short excursion on the Goose Trail bicycle path. We met only one other set of dogs out: two dachshunds out in sweaters, one red, one black, with a very nice couple, who found it laughable that Rosie wanted to trail them down 15th Street. Rosie felt very out-going and personable yesterday - she wanted to enter every driveway and walkway to every house we passed, and appeared to pout whenever I voiced an audible, "No." The weather folks say that the storm that might have given us a white Christmas looks like it is going to dump it's load to the south of us.... Looking at the weather for Crows, where Jeffrey and I lived, I am happy to be here. They are expecting at least 18 inches of heavy, wet snow by tomorrow evening, with the coastal areas of Virginia expecting 2 to 4 inches. Tomorrow has been designated as a laundry day (by me), as I need clean undies and socks. I don't mind doing my laundry, but I like to do it when I feel like it. I used to do my laundry at 5:30 Sunday morning, when I lived in my apartment in Gainesville. Now I can only wash and dry between 9:30 a.m. and 9 p.m. - having to share 10 washers and 8 dryers with 79 other apartment renters. (I know, I'm whining. But it's just about the only thing I have to complain about... please excuse me.) Saturday evening, Kathy and Jim are taking me to see "The Celtic Revels" at the Boulder Theatre after dining out. Other than that, I plan on being at home, reading, researching, loving the kits, and watching football on Sunday for the weekend. - Please enjoy your weekend!

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