Thursday, December 17, 2009

A Quickie...

The squirrels are squabbling like mad on the patio this morning - one is currently sitting on the window ledge (outside) and fussing at two others; they're cute. The kits have had a ball running in and out this morning. There was a heavy curtain of cloud to the east this morning that obscured the sunrise, but the sun is now brightly shining, and the kits are sunning in the cat tree. I'm getting ready to head out and walk the Rs - I'll take a quick peek at local streets before I decide on a walking route for us. I'd love for all of the ice to disappear from the streets and sidewalks, and, hopefully, with the current weather forecast, most will be gone by next week - but they are forecasting snow for the Tuesday or Wednesday before Christmas. Apparently Ooch had a bad spell yesterday, but seems to be much better this morning - Connie called to borrow one of the cat carriers yesterday, but Spike's people gave Ooch his carrier yesterday afternoon. I am looking forward to seeing the movie Avatar, but will probably wait to see it until the New Year. If you're interested, I highly recommend the 3.5 minute trailer that can be viewed at I also recommend viewing Keith Olbermann's Special Comment from last night's Countdown - it's a 12 minute comment on what has happened with the Health Care Bill, and may be seen at From what I have read on other news sites, as well as the White House's, I concur with Keith's observations and conclusions.

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