Monday, June 29, 2009

Cats and Creeks

I guess this weekend could be called successful - I put up 6 new web pages of my son's family tree, and I actually did change the screening in the patio door yesterday afternoon. Today, though, I need to replace the window screen after walking the red kids and before going over to Aiko and Yoshi's house. I have everything I need - I just hope I have the strength to pick this 46 by 50 inch plate glass window up and out; and then to put it back... The aluminum screening most definitely works, as Lovey hadn't realized I had the glass door open, but the screen door closed, and she ran full tilt into it and then ended up climbing the entire height. The screen didn't budge, and there are no holes in it from her claws. (Yea!!!!)

It's bright and sunny again, and Boulder will supposedly reach 88 degrees today. I was dripping after my morning walk, and right now I can feel the sweat breaking out on the back of my neck... The local dude ranches are having difficulty recruiting vacationers, and so are breaking out street entertainers to direct visitors to their venues. As I stated yesterday, the Boulder Creek Path is flooded, and in the past two days there have been two deaths of small children who have been swept away in the flood waters - creeks are running at three times their normal force. And, again, I'm sorry for the friends and family of Farrah Fawcett and Michael Jackson who are mourning their loss - and, even though I immediately changed the channel as soon as I heard his voice, condolences go out to Billy Mays' family as well.

The kits are sunning on the patio, having consumed their salmon breakfast with great relish. Lovey wanted me to get up at 3:45 this morning, but I declined her invitation after checking the time. Banichi has been bringing me his shoe string every night after I go to bed, and I have been lavish in my praise of him. The young male neighbor who lives on my south side stepped out on his patio in the evening yesterday, and both of my kits came rocketing inside. (I wonder if they've gotten into mischief next door without my knowledge?) And I really need to put the window screen up today - I got three mosquito bites last night while working at the computer... and good old West Nile virus is starting up again. -Even though I think I'm too weird to succumb to such a disease!!! - Well, have a good week!

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