Thursday, October 30, 2008

Bird Catching

Over the past several years, I have become adept at catching mice, voles, snakes, and baby rabbits. Since both of my kits believe they should present and share their prey with me, and since 95% of the time, the prey is still very much alive and unharmed, I've gotten pretty good at capturing them, inspecting them for damage, and setting them free again (well away from the kits). Yesterday afternoon I spent 20 minutes trying to capture a female (or, possibly a juvenile)English sparrow - Lovey brought it to me and turned it loose inside the apartment.

The sparrow was completely freaked out and kept up a shrill cry; it landed first on Fred, my ivy plant, then visited the bookcases, the bathroom, and back to Fred. Then it went down into the corner where I keep the birdseed and nuts; of course, both Lovey and Banichi were following the poor little bird around the house and trying to catch it, even as I was, so it was a wild and crazy period of time. The bird finally flew back up into Fred, where I was able to capture it. It lay, panting, in my hands, and let me examine it for tooth holes and missing feathers. I could not find anything wrong with the little thing, so I cupped my hands together and let it sit quietly for about five minutes - then I went outside and let it fly away.

I was a slug-abed this morning. I did not take my long walk, even though I did visit the new French Bakery that is two blocks over. The kits were wonderful sleeping companions last night - Lovey slept under the covers by my knees and Banichi sprawled out along my ribs. It was nice. I received a call and will be working, taking care of Ooch, the second weekend in November... it's nice to be home, but it's also nice knowing that people and their pets like me....

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