Monday, October 13, 2008

First Freeze

I'm watching steam rise from the sidewalk behind the privacy fence that marks my backyard. There are no birds nor any squirrels out and about; my kits are indoors, sitting on the desk. Both kits have been out, and decided to come right back inside. I saw black ice on the roadways while I was walking earlier. Denver is reporting over 20 spin-outs at one intersection due to black ice, along with a lot of crunch accidents, where a spinning vehicle hit aother. The sun is shining brightly, and we expect a high in the mid-40s, with lows tonight in the 20s. We'll start warming up tomorrow.

The kits snuggled with me in bed all night. And I got a kick that Lovey decided she needed to be inside my nightgown, under the covers, to be comfortable. Banichi was happy to be either beside me, or on top of my head on the pillow... Either way, I was nice and warm.

I went to the Democratic meeting Saturday, where I had been asked to go, to learn how to be a poll-watcher on Election Day. Surprise!! I was the only person from my precinct to show up, so guess who has been named the Precinct Chairperson? I've had a nasty headache ever since I was informed of this, and I'm about to let them know that I can't/won't be the Chairperson. I don't mind donating 3 to 6 hours on Election Day, working as a poll-watcher - but I don't think I can handle getting at least 10 other volunteers to help with poll-watching, calling voter lists, and running info back to Democratic Headquarters.... Kathy has volunteered to help, but other than that I'm pretty much lost.... And the poll-watching certification won't occur until the 24th through the 28th.... Trapped? Tricked? Desperate!!

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