Sunday, October 12, 2008


It's a cold grey day; I've walked and disturbed birds with my early perambulations. No snow that I saw last night or this morning, but we're expecting freezing temperatures tonight and tomorrow night. There is a crow (as large as Lovey) sitting 6 inches away from the edge of the patio, and he is complaining vigorously about the fact that Lovey is sitting in the open doorway looking at him. RedBoa is grabbing nuts as fast as he can, and Banichi is sitting directly under the no-waste bird feeder, hoping to grab something.

Attended the Democratic meeting yesterday; more on that later. Even with the loses yesterday, I thoroughly enjoyed the football games. - There are now 6 crows sitting on the fence, staring at Lovey and Banichi. - Chalkie's owner is still forecasting doom and gloom; she called me Friday, as she couldn't get my sister, and informed me that President Bush was going to close down all financial institutions a 9pm Friday, and put the country under martial law, and I needed to withdraw at least $1,000 in cash to have on hand for necessities due to this government crackdown. The woman really is a little off. I mean, it seems as if she's trying to cause a run on the bank system!

Just closed the patio door and now have about 20 small birds at both feeders and on the ground. I gave the kits a treat (some turkey breast) for coming inside without a quarrel. They are very special felines.

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